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Who we are?

Wellness? Well! Isn't that a complicated word? So, we decided to make it simple. We made a promise to ourselves when GENLAD was born to give you uncomplicated, clean & holistic care through a wellness platform that has some great products, an impactful community, and personalized experiences. All we're doing now is keeping our end of the promise.

How do we do what we do?

We seek out the right source

We learned early on that the most important is the source itself. Finding the perfect ingredient also means finding where it grows best, no matter where on Earth that may be. The right environment makes all the difference to the quality and efficacy of our products. After all, any product is only as good as the ingredients used to make them.

When it comes to soil, we do organic

We scout to find Organic-approved farms that cultivate their ingredients with care. We stay clear of GMOs, pesticides, and fertilizers. We appreciate it when farming remains the way it is to be. Thankfully the Earth always gives us the answers we're looking for, as long as we look in the right places.

We don't suck the life out of things

Our questioning doesn't exclude production processes. Sourcing the right ingredients is easy, but ensuring they don't lose their essence by the time they touch your skin, is a whole other battle. We asked ourselves, 'How do we keep the potency of our ingredients intact?

We stick to processes like cold-pressing, steam distillation, sedimentation, and natural filtration on our botanicals. At GENLAD, no botanical is over-processed, and no goodness goes to waste. Our processes are eco-friendly, and any waste generated gets reused or repurposed.

Good to humans and planets alike

We pride ourselves on being eco-conscious to the core. Everything at GENLAD is eco-friendly. We consciously question our choices and constantly find new ways to reduce our carbon footprint.